
Surprise Giveaway!

This blog is 10 whole days old and my counter just hit 3000!  I am so thankful to those who have taken their time to comment on my blog and make me feel so special.  I am also thankful to those who have chosen to become a follower or subscribe to my email feed!

To show my appreciation I thought it would be fun to have a surprise giveaway!!!  Everyone likes a giveaway right?

So, I entered all the followers and commenters in a drawing at Random.org.  The winner will recieve a box of "Good Mail" which is a box of fun stuff from me!  In the box will be one set of my Chalkboard Bin/Basket Labels!!  There will also be some other fun surprises:)

There were 98 people entered:

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:
Timestamp: 2011-03-26 21:09:56 UTC

And the winner is #46, who is one of my email subscribers who I believe is named

Sandy T!!!

Congratulations Sandy!  I will be emailing you for your address.

A HUGE thank you to all you sweet people who have made me feel so special and loved and like the things I do everyday matter and make the world a little bit better place!  I deeply appreciate you!


  1. Emily....you are sooo creative!!!! I sat and read your blog forever!!!! I love your ideas!!!! My sister will die when I show her your blog!!! She is just like you...she loves to create things!!! Keep on posting neat things :)

  2. Hi, Emily! I just gave you a blog award! So, check out my blog to claim it! :) Congrats, you totally deserve it! ((HUGS!))


I appreciate comments so much! I love to hear your thoughts or answer your questions. Thank you for taking the time to comment! Some Firefox users have had trouble commenting. PLEASE email me at remarkablehome@gmail.com if you have any problem commenting. Thanks so much!