
Dazzling Dates for a Year {Printables @ ReMarkableHome.net}

Today I gave this cute man, my sweetheart of 12 years, a whole year of fun for Valentine’s Day!
You may have seen these “Year of Dates” ideas floating around the internet.  I decided that was the perfect gift to give my honey this year.  We try to go on a date about once a week, but our dates typically consist of going to dinner and then running errands at Wal-Mart or Target or the grocery store.  Not very glamorous or fun.  I decided it was time for us to spice things up in our dating life and have a lot more FUN!  I scoured the internet for ideas, asked my friends and family on Facebook for ideas, and racked my own brain for ideas that my husband and I would enjoy.  My super creative sister Laura who has an awesome
and Dating Divas were my biggest inspirations.  I warn you some of the dates allude to activities meant for married couples.....
, if you know what I mean!
I came up with 17 different dates for us to choose from over the next year!  I didn’t assign a certain date to a certain month, but opted to put all the dates in a binder so we can choose what will work best for that month and time of year.  Each date has a Movie Idea for watching a movie together at home after the date, since that is what we usually like to do when we get home, among other things;)
I printed up each date on a piece of cardstock and put them in a 3-ring binder with a clear pocket cover.  I added a few extras to some of the dates, just for fun, like a flashlight for our campout date or some chopsticks for our Chinese date.  I just slipped them into the page protectors, behind the date card.
I am so thrilled with how it turned out and, more importantly, my honey and I are super excited to get started on doing them! 
You can buy all 17 dates to print for only $5!  I made all the dates non-specific as far as restaurants so that anyone could use them.
Note: I just found a tutorial for personalizing your own fortune cookies that will be perfect to use with the Chinese date.  You can find it HERE on U-Create!
Note: For the bookworm date, my intention with the piñata is to buy or make a small piñata and fill it with bedroom toys. 
To Purchase this for only $5, click below.  Upon completion, if you are not redirected to the download, please click where it says “Return to RemarkableHome@gmail.com”.  Let me know if you have any problems. 
Thank you so much and HAVE fun!!
(at the moment I am having trouble with this button not redirecting people to the download after payment. If you are not redirected, please email me at remarkablehome@gmail.com can i will send you the download link.  thanks!)


  1. Wow! You pulled that together fast! And even got it posted. You're amazing! Looks super cute - I'm pinning it!

  2. Seriously cool!!!! Maybe if I do this, hubby will actually date me every now and then!! Thanks, Emily!!!!

  3. Super awesome! I have downloaded this for our anniversary since I missed Love Day. That will give me some time to make it almost as awesome as yours!
    THANK YOU!!!!

    1. Thanks for commenting! I am really looking forward to doing them. We are starting with the Bookworm one this weekend!

  4. So cute Emily!! We live in the middle of nowhere so it is easy to forget that we still need to go on the occasional date!! This is the perfect reminder!! Love it!!

    1. Dates are important for your marriage! I am excited to start being a little more creative with it and having ALOT more fun together! Thanks for commenting!

  5. I just downloaded and pinned it! Thanks!

  6. look at me. 2 comments in one day!!! see what happens when i take a day off studying.

    Anyway, I posting to say thank you for this. I am totally stealing it. Granted I may not end up giving it to Jon till next Christmas but I know he will love it when I do give it to him.

    love you,

    1. I hope you guys have fun! We did the bookworm one last night and it was so fun to do something out of the ordinary! love you too!

  7. I love our annual date book! Takes all the planning and guesswork out of dating my spouse so we can spend all the more quality time together! Thanks for linking up!

    1. Thanks for hosting the party and coming by and commenting! I appreciate it!

  8. This is really cool! Now I need to find myself someone to date, haha! :P


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