Which one is your favorite??
I love Jesus. He is my Savior and my friend. Easter is about His resurrection, and his atoning sacrifice for me and for all of us. I try to find ways to keep Christ in Easter in my home. I remind my kids what Easter is really about. I remind them that eggs and chicks and bunnies are symbolic of new life, re-birth, resurrection. I remind them that lambs symbolize the Lamb of God. I try. But with the ever increasing commercialism of religious holidays it can be hard to keep the focus on the true subject of celebration. So, I have been looking for more obvious ways to keep Christ our focus at Easter-time. This round up contains the ideas I have found. I hope those of you who worship Jesus will enjoy this post!
This is a fabulous dinner where all the food is symbolic. Definitely check it out! Such great ideas and more fun than ham and funeral potatoes.
Source: fhelessons.wordpress.com via Emily on Pinterest
I love this one! Create a resurrection garden! Isn’t this awesome??
Source: wearethatfamily.com via Emily on Pinterest
A wonderful Easter color subway art with some of Christ’s names.
Source: thegirlcreative.com via Emily on Pinterest
Love this simple banner with a great message!
Source: 52mantels.com via Emily on Pinterest
We have done this as a family for years. Resurrection eggs. There are many different versions out there….
We have a homemade one as well and a store bought one. I like our homemade one better. This pin link will take you to a place to buy one or give you directions for making on. I’m not sure mine has the same things as this one, but it’s the general idea. I love the lettering on this one.
Source: happyhomefairy.com via Emily on Pinterest
Isn’t this stunning? The red eggs represent the blood Christ shed for us. The white represent his purity and perfection. Beautiful!
Source: heatherchristo.com via Emily on Pinterest
These are resurrection cookies. You make them with your kids the night before Easter. They sit in the oven drying all night and in the morning they are hollow, like the empty tomb.
Source: womenlivingwell.org via Emily on Pinterest
These are rolls that are the same idea as above. They start with a marshmallow inside. Yummy for Easter breakfast, plus a great object lesson.
Source: inspiredbycharm.com via Emily on Pinterest
An awesome Christ Centered Easter basket with FREE printables! My own sister put this together! I am so excited to use her ideas! She is super creative and amazing! Definitely spend some time on her Family Home Evening Blog!
Source: fhelessons.wordpress.com viaEmily on Pinterest
This is a Christ centered Easter basket. Also has other ideas for a Christ centered Easter.

Source: livingdevotionally.com via Emily on Pinterest
Another Christ centered Easter basket with free printables to attach to different goodies to put in your baskets.
Source: detailorienteddiva.blogspot.com via Emily on Pinterest
This is an amazing package a woman put together to send to a missionary. It details the last week of Christ’s earthly life. It would be great to send to a missionary, or just to read and discuss with your family in the week leading up to Easter.
Source: missionarymail.blogspot.com via Emily on Pinterest
This is a cute Easter Secret Service Idea. Every time someone does an act of service, they put a bunny tail in the jar. Cute poem to go along with it.
Source: happyhomefairy.com via Emily on Pinterest
These are cute little Easter treats. These are the empty tomb. I’ve seen them done with one side of an Oreo as the door being rolled away….maybe a mini Oreo would be best.
Source: freefuneaster.com via Emily on Pinterest
Crown of thorns cookies.
Source: freefuneaster.com via Emily on Pinterest
I love these Subway art Easter eggs and though they would be so great with words about the Savior and/or resurrection on them. For example, “Jesus, Savior, Blood, risen, saved, love, etc.”.
Source: lilluna.com via Emily on Pinterest
Uh oh, this is #16. Oops! I showcased this last week in my Easter Subway Art roundup but I just love it so much I wanted to share it again! Comes in three color choices.
Source: antsi-pants.blogspot.com via Emily on Pinterest
I love this collection of ideas! Thanks for including me! So many wonderful ways to put Christ as the focus of our Easter celebration!
ReplyDeleteThanks! I was happy to!
DeleteI never thought of the Christ-centered Easter baskets. I love ideas to include Him in holidays meant to celebrate Him!
ReplyDeleteI ahve done baskets before where I put in church books and items but I like these ideas that are directly related to Jesus!
DeleteWhat a great roundup! I love the Christ-centered Easter baskets, too. Why didn't we think of that before! I mean, it *is* His resurrection we're celebrating, after all!
ReplyDeleteSo true! Thanks for commenting!
DeleteThanks so much for featuring my Easter basket idea!
ReplyDeleteYou're so welcome! I'm excited to use your ideas this year!